Saturday, July 07, 2007


Who Rules America

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

--Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli of England, in 1844.

Escritório Estrangeiro
2 de novembro de 1917

Prezado Lord Rothschild,

Eu tenho muito prazer em vos trazer, por obséquio do Governo de Sua Majestade, a seguinte declaração de simpatia com as aspirações sionistas judaicas que foram submetidas, e aprovadas, pelo Gabinete.
"O Governo de Sua Majestade vê favoravelmente o estabelecimento na Palestina de um lar nacional para o povo judeu, e irá empregar seus melhores esforços a fim de facilitar a consecução deste objetivo, sendo claramente entendido que nada será feito que possa prejudicar os direitos civis e religiosos da comunidades não-judaicas na Palestina, ou os direitos e status político desfrutados por judeus em qualquer outro país."

Eu ficaria grato se vós levásseis esta declaração ao conhecimento da Federação Sionista.

Arthur James Balfour

Harry S. Truman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Truman recognized the State of Israel on May 14, 1948, after it declared itself a nation. [54] - 291k

:: Portugal » Blog Archive » Israel recebe ...- [ Translate this page ]
... EUA vão conceder a Israel um pacote de ajuda militar no valor de 30 mil milhões de dólares - 24k -

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."
David Rockefeller ( )


Os Senhores do Mundo em

A Agenda Secreta em
Beyond the Veil em

No país da política decadente: Cromos de Portugal

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Noticias da Nova Ordem Europeia

Bilderberg - The High Priests of Globalisation - Europe's Power Elite policy makers - Undermining democratic ...
... Nazi, that sets the agenda for a Corporate controlled Europe - participant lists ... I am concerned about anything totalitarian. - 56k - Cached - More pages from this site
Bilderberg Group - Crystalinks
... the Bilderberg group was to further the understanding between Western Europe and ... cannot be held in private is fundamentally totalitarian," he says. - 18k - Cached - More pages from this site
New World Order: The Bilderbergs
Reference page for Bilderberg conferences, the secret lobbying for anti-democratic European superstate by Western - 128k - Cached - More pages from this site
Bilderberg Conferences: Secret lobbying for Corporate Europe - Organised by transatlantic business elite
... of the Bilderberg Steering Group is to dress totalitarian corporate ideology up ... Bilderberg offices - In Europe and North America - 145k - Cached - More pages from this site
Bilderberg - Planning on a New World Order
... year since 1954, the secretive Bilderberg Group (named after the hotel they first met in the Netherlands), comprising elite powerbrokers from Europe and - 13k - Cached - More pages from this site
... and influential figures from Europe and North America meet in great secrecy amid ... of the Bilderberg Steering Group is to dress totalitarian ideology up to - 36k - Cached - More pages from this site
Bilderberg - Corporate Europe's Power Elite lobby - Undermining democracy and influencing public opinion
... Corporate controlled Europe - participant lists ... the 'father' of the Bilderberg - his Nazi background and ... about anything totalitarian. - 36k - Cached - More pages from this site
BBC NEWS UK Magazine Bilderberg: The ultimate conspiracy theory
Europe. Middle East. South Asia. UK. England. Northern ... "The idea that such meetings cannot be held in private is fundamentally totalitarian," he says. - 43k - Cached - More pages from this site
Bilderberg Conferences: Secret lobbying for Anti-Democratic United States of Europe by transatlantic Power Elite
Basic Bilderberg info: ... of the Bilderberg Steering Group is to dress totalitarian ideology up to ... Bilderberg offices - In Europe and North America - 170k -

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